Susanne Holmström, PhD, M.Soc.Sc. (1947)

Professor emerita, Roskilde University, Denmark.

Focus of research: Organisational legitimation processes and societal responsibility; observations of a reflective paradigm as a characteristic feature of late modern legitimization processes.

Ph.D. thesis 2003 – "The Sensitive Organisation of the Reflective Society (Social systemic reconstructions of the evolution in corporate legitimacy and societal responsibility)” (DK: Grænser for ansvar).

For "Perspectives & Paradigms: An Intersubjective and a Social Systemic Public Relations Paradigm", she was in 1998 awarded with EUPRERA's 1st Prize for the best European dissertation in public relations.

Co-initiator of the full academic study (5 years) in public relations, established on a socio-scientific base at the University of Roskilde in Denmark in 1986.

Co-founder and member of steering group of LOKE, Nordic network for research in legitimacy, organisation, communication and ethics (2003-2008).

Member of the Board of EUPRERA, European Public Relations Education and Research Association 2003-2007,

Member of research network Values in Organisations (Værdier i Virksomheder) (2000-2005), and Leadership in A Changing World.

Former member of the editorial board of International Journal of Strategic Communication.

Member of the board of Danish Communications Association/Dansk Kommunikationsforening (the Danish Public Relations Association) 1981-1985.

Co-initiator of the Danish Organisation of Public Relation Companies (BPRV, Brancheforeningen for Public Relations Virksomheder) 1988.

Own consultancy network (Susanne Holmström Group) since 1973, today Reflective Forum – research-based consultancy with the purpose of bringing social research into corporate practice, based on the assumption that in late modernity, navigating legitimately in the corporate world also requires an understanding of the constitution and social dynamics of society.